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Morning Maté: The Value of Turning Up a Bad Idea

Morning Maté talk by Author John early along the beautiful riverside of downtown saskatoon

Do bad ideas and 80's pop music really have anything in common? Like anything in life it's how you approach them.

As I discuss in this week's Morning Maté, your openness to turning it up often makes the difference between finding the value in a disliked idea...and belting out Toto's Rain's Down in Africa at the top of your lungs :)

Decide for yourself in the video below, filmed along the beautiful riverside of downtown Saskatoon:

Tricky decisions and potentially bad ideas are the daily norm for every world backpacker, entrepreneur or self-published author (or all of the above?) trying to tread new territory. That's why this snippet from Chapter 5: Por Qué No? from my book Tales of the Modern Nomad seems to be the best follow up to turning up a new idea:

You aren't doing it wrong if no one knows what you're doing quote by author john early from tales of the modern nomad monks, mushrooms & Other misadventures, chapter 5 por que no book

No path is the same,

no decision is wrong

and no problems can't be overcome

if you're always learning and reinventing yourself

...aaand no one else knows what you're doing 😅🙌✨



It's definitely been an active summer of wild festivals, big events and crazy ideas, saying YES instead of a hesitated jumping on board last week as Production Assisstant for the Canadian Country Music Awards.

A week of country music sounded like a bad idea but hey, after pausing and turning the idea up and pretending like I knew what I was doing and I had a blast and learnt a lot. ...cause if you're going to listen to 80's music orYeehaw, you better do it loud or not do it at all!

:) Tu amigo, -John

Author John Early as production assisstant for the canadian country music awards CCMA's in saskatoon 2017

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What do a monk, a stripper and LSD have in common?     My New Book.

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