Morning Maté: The Value of Turning Up a Bad Idea

Do bad ideas and 80's pop music really have anything in common? Like anything in life it's how you approach them.
As I discuss in this week's Morning Maté, your openness to turning it up often makes the difference between finding the value in a disliked idea...and belting out Toto's Rain's Down in Africa at the top of your lungs :)
Decide for yourself in the video below, filmed along the beautiful riverside of downtown Saskatoon:
Tricky decisions and potentially bad ideas are the daily norm for every world backpacker, entrepreneur or self-published author (or all of the above?) trying to tread new territory. That's why this snippet from Chapter 5: Por Qué No? from my book Tales of the Modern Nomad seems to be the best follow up to turning up a new idea:

No path is the same,
no decision is wrong
and no problems can't be overcome
if you're always learning and reinventing yourself
...aaand no one else knows what you're doing 😅🙌✨
It's definitely been an active summer of wild festivals, big events and crazy ideas, saying YES instead of a hesitated jumping on board last week as Production Assisstant for the Canadian Country Music Awards.
A week of country music sounded like a bad idea but hey, after pausing and turning the idea up and pretending like I knew what I was doing and I had a blast and learnt a lot. ...cause if you're going to listen to 80's music orYeehaw, you better do it loud or not do it at all!
:) Tu amigo, -John