Cacao and the Global Consciousness Shift

“As within so without. As above so below.
We live in the same energy.
When you start to realize that, and act on it.
The universe starts shoveling light into you.
And you can’t do anything but give it away.
Then you move from a space holder into a light emanator.”
-Keith Wilson
Why is ceremonial cacao different than standard cacao?
How can the act of play transcend consciousness?
What is the ultimate gift humanity holds for the earth?
These are some of the questions I ask and discusses with Keith Wilson - also known as 'The Chocolate Shaman' and founder of Keith's Cacao - in his home in San Marcos, Guatemala. Keith has grown an international following for his renowned cacao and weekly porch sessions that dive into sharing wisdom, ideas and healing techniques.
Get ready for one of the most powerful conversations I've ever had and listen in below or on iTunes Podcasts HERE.
I've been back home in Saskatoon for three weeks now and just wrapped up my 10th year helping MC and manage the main stage for our big 33rd annual Jazz Festival - as well 4th time MCing for The Legendary Roots Crew.
Seeing Captain Kirk again was hilarious...especially him coming off the stage from a massive encore to come straight over and say ‘Johnny, so tell me about this book...’ oh man. Priceless.

***I''ll be shipping out signed copies of my book 'Tales of the Modern Nomad - Monks, Mushrooms & Other Misadventures' the next 6 weeks before I leave for Indo!
Email me back if you'd like a signed copy for you or a friend :)
On the Momentom Collective front, we've just announced dates and details for our Artist Residency and 3rd season in Guatemala! Happening Nov 15th to Feb 15th, it's going to be another incredible season sharing movement, ideas and ceremony, this time on the shores of Lake Atitlan at Posada Schumann in the heart of San Marcos!
For more info visit the link HERE and listen to how how I summarize what our Momentom community is all about in our new Guatemala wrap up video from last year:
Keep shining your love and light amigos!
Your favourite nomad, -John