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We've Got an Award Winning Book!

Tales of the Modern Nomad - Monks, Mushrooms & Other Misadventures John Early Author Thank you award winning book Pubwest 2017 Tidewater Whistler independent awards

Big news came in this week! I'm honoured to announce that Tales of the Modern Nomad has taken GOLD for Guide/Travel Books and SILVER in Cover Design in the 40th year of the PubWest Book Design Awards! To top it off, in the same day, it was announced that the book was shortlisted in the Best Non-Fiction category for the 2017 Whistler Independent Book Awards

tales of the modern nomad cover with author john early in guatemala

What an honour to announce three major accolades this week! It means so much to work several years on a self-published/self-financed passion project and see it gain the attention and feedback it's been receiving.

I can't thank my editor, Suzanne Paschall of Fresh Voice enough for believing in this crazy concept of a travel book since day one (...3 years ago)! Also, my amazing design team, Terry and Robyn at Relish, who went above and beyond to understand my vision to match a book with the eccentric style in my travel journals. And Friesens Printing for nailing the photo printing, texture of paper, binding, and flexible hardcover!

Fingers crossed we can find a publisher and distributor for North America with this news!

So let's crank up some feel good tunes and celebrate!

Endless Summer Mixtape by John Early Vol 1

I've just uploaded the first hour-long summer mix I made in 2013 (some say is the best haha) to Youtube...just in time for the patio season :)

Check it out on YouTube or on Soundcloud (where it's up for free download)!

What a wild ride in the short (but long!) six months since I first published this book! Thank you again everyone for your continued support...let's see where the next six months takes us! Tu amigo,

-John ***Click HERE for the direct link to buy the ebook/physical copy of your next favourite summer read!***

Tales of the Modern Nomad by John Early - Critic Review feedback by author Sunny Massad Positive Psychology


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What do a monk, a stripper and LSD have in common?     My New Book.

© 2024 by JOHN EARLY.                                 // Live Your Life.       As if You are In on a Secret.      No one else Knows Exists.  \\

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