My Top 5 Laughter Quotes

Laughter! What glorious medicine! In these times of adversity we need a good laugh more than ever. Especially if it's in a way that can connect and help us focus on our similarities rather than differences. A good shared laugh always proves we are much less divided than we project ourselves to be, and it was never worth the hassle to see otherwise to begin with.
So let's not take ourselves so seriously and find some reasons to embody the universal gift we share as humans: the magic of laughter!
Here are some of my favourite words shared on the topic:
"Soap is to the body,
as laughter is to the soul."
-Jewish Proverb
“Laughter connects you with people. It’s almost impossible to maintain any kind of distance or any sense of social hierarchy when you’re just howling with laughter. Laughter is a force for democracy.”
-John Cleese
"At the height of laughter,
the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities."
-Jean Houston
"The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient
while nature cures the disease."
"What is laughter? What is laughter? It is God waking up! O it is God waking up! It is the sun poking its sweet head out From behind a cloud You have been carrying too long, Veiling your eyes and heart.
It is Light breaking ground for a great Structure That is your Real body – called Truth.
It is happiness applauding itself and then taking flight To embrace everyone and everything in this world.
O what is laughter, Hafiz? What is this precious love and laughter budding in our hearts?
It is the glorious sound of a soul waking up!
-Hafiz, excerpt from 'Laughter'

I tip my hat to everyone this week for your support as I hit 10k Subscribers on my Youtube Channel and over 4 Million plays on my videos! Hoodelalay!
Thank you everyone for checking out and sharing my crazy content from original music, travel shenanigans, Morning Mate truth talks, hour-set DJ mixes, psychedelic music videos and more!
In our age of short attention spans and information overload, I hope some of the ideas, music and art I've been putting out into the world have added more value than the energy to listen and receive it! In the end, our creative value and love we put out into the world is how we leave each other - and our collective reality - better than when we arrived. Ayyiii! 🙃❤️✌️🌏🎶
Subscribe and check out my latest video below on the Magic of Acro Yoga!
Keep shining your light everyone, and never hold back on a chance to have a quality belly laugh with a friend!
Tu amigo, -John
PS If you need a good chuckle or cool Christmas gift idea, reply to this email if you'd like a custom signed copy of my book Tales of the Modern Nomad - Monks, Mushrooms & Other Misadventures. I'll only be in Canada another few weeks to sign copies - with all proceeds towards Integral Heart Foundation!