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Does Nature Get Anxiety?

The Face of Nature's Anxiety in a Tree

Anxiety is a very commen topic these days with so much uncertainty and fear happening in the world. But what if it's not always about us? ...does nature get anxiety?

This summer I'm reviving my reflections series Morning Maté to stir up some thoughts of the day and open up the concept this week on how we can tap the wisdom of nature to keep us from getting lost in our wandering monkey brains. Oh, and the importance of doggy eyebrows! Haha

Check out my thoughts on it below (during my final days managing Casa Horizon before my flight HOME...more on that after) or click HERE for more in the series. Here are a few additional thoughts after further reflections:

> Anxiety: 'is the price we pay for our human ability to choose'

> We live in a world with more options and opportunities than ever before - and it's often overwhelming

> How can we sprinkle gratitude and presence over our anxiety to turn it into excitement for our ability to choose?

> Does nature have the same ability to choose or does it just stay present in it's own flow of trusting it's instinctual potential?

> If WE ARE nature, is anxiety simply a by-product when we feel disconnected from our true selves and trust in our path?

Momentom Collective Podcast - Porangui - The Medicine of Now hosted by John Early

'The Medicine of Now & The Role Humanity Plays' The 20th episode of our Momentom Podcast features the wise insight of Poranguí – one of my favourite multi instrumentalist's, inspirational educator and healer who uses the properties of sound and movement to foster our individual and collective well being.

This one goes down as one of my favourite conversations of the year. Join me as we have a powerful conversation around Porangui’s infamous live performances, and humanity’s role and connection with our planet. Click the image above or HERE to join this epic conversation.

Topic Time Marks:

How do you define Community? / The relationship with the Self and Other – 1:00

The stillness and movement of music – 7:15

Understanding the 'We Body' / Inviting in the masculine and feminine – 20:10

What role do humans play on this planet? – 34:25

How to bring more presence to our now - 41:00

[Recorded live at Momentom’s Artist Residency in San Marcos, Guatemala - Feb 7, 2020]

*You can also stream all of our Momentom Podcasts via Apple Podcasts HERE *As well on Spotify HERE

Porangui and John Early during their Podcast at Momentom Collective Artist Residency in San Marcos Guatemala
John Early surfing at Playa Yankee, Nicaragua - Photo by Brent Woods - San Juan del sur surf photo playa escameca casa horizon

After over a year around the world...It's happening! ...I've finally left my Nicaragua Quarantine Bubble managing Casa Horizon and have flown home!

This year has without a doubt been one of the wildest rides of my life - and that was even BEFORE covid! It's hard to put the experience into words (I guess I tried here during our Momentom Collective Season Wrap Up video) but I am feeling truly grateful for the entire ride and to land back in Saskatoon to finally see family and friends again. The best part of traveling truly is returning home to see and appreciate it with fresh perspectives, or as T.S. Eliot so eloquently put it: “The end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time."

Tu Amigo,

-John (...I miss surfing already jaja)



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What do a monk, a stripper and LSD have in common?     My New Book.

© 2024 by JOHN EARLY.                                 // Live Your Life.       As if You are In on a Secret.      No one else Knows Exists.  \\

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