Our 2024 Circus Show Recap at ViYarte Retreat Center

End of February 2024 we wrapped up our Momentom Circus and Performance Residency with an immersive and roving Prayerformance at ViYarte Retreat Center in Playa Marsella. 25 people living in community and diving deep into choreography, sacred clowning and embodied movement with the end goal being a public facing show to share with the local community of Maderas and Marsella.
We've launched the formal recap by Mario Nobre with words by Vanessa Panton, and narrated by yours truly :)

We've hit the ground running and gone from Circus Residency to Envision and straight into our month long ReVive Business incubator! 12 of us going deep into the intentions and shadow work of entrepreneurship and taking our business ideas to the next level.
Here's a fun takeaway from one of Holly Achaya's workshops:‘
"Helping others’ is not your purpose. That means if you do not help people you will be a failure. Incorrect. Helping others, is a by-product of following your purpose'" Also a big shoutout to Therese and Tarek for offering multiple Sound Baths for our local staff. It's been incredible to integrate our amazing ViYarte Team here with some of our culture and practices for them to expand some of their experiences and understand some of what they've been supporting us to do from the backend.For more follow our ViYarte journey on Instagram and our our stories HERE

Stay tuned for some more big happenings to share - including our official Envision Prayerformance wrap up and a new track I'm putting out with The Gaff and Earl Perieria!
Big love from ViYarte, Playa Marsella
Tu amigo,
Below: here's a little teaser from Envision Festival with Brenna and I performing with Mexico's Sukum Balam!
