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The Circus Of Unconventional Life

The view from Aqua Wellness Resort, Playa Gigante, Nicaragua (Photo by John Early)

Unconventional indeed. From hitchhiking, couchsurfing and sleeping on the casa floor of locals in Mexico to flying straight into Nicaragua to speak/teach/perform/learn as part of Momentom Collective's international Circus team at the sold out Unconventional Life business accelerator conference at a high end resort...what a ride!

What an incredible experience to have an equal playing field with both attendees and highly successful young entrepreneus/ presenters. The main common denominator: openness to learn and share with each other to help thrive in our current projects and within this next generation of creative minds. This event was a perfect example of today's shift away from the traditional workplace approach and how ever our careers themselves need redefining. These days, job titles are rendered useless as more millennial’s choose paths that fuse their lifestyle, art and community with their profession. Our generation does not want a life that is limited to a one word label.

This week, Forbes also recognized the shifting workplace and spoke with us at Momentom Collective to discuss how to best leverage it! We've been recognized as pioneers in the digital nomad boom as we emphasize work-life balance through co-living and co-training with creative movement and communal purpose. Read it HERE.

The Unconventional Life familia, all white night, Nicaragua Business Accelerator 2017

Above: The Unconventional Life familia Below: Andy Drish, founder of The Foundation, gives a talk on finding your niche market [Photos by Michael Graziano, founder of Global Degree]

“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”

-Hopi Elders

I’ve never felt this statement stronger than after spending a week with 80 creative, inspiring and forward thinking young entrepreneurs of today. I feel we’re all aware that we’re in a dark time of global leadership.

I see this as a positive. It too shall pass.

We needed this wakeup call for our millennial generation to come together to realize our true values and how we choose to lead a sustainable future and live now in the present. Let’s continue to step into our own individual leadership and choose love, diversity and community fuelled by a collective consciousness. Our intentions have a far greater impact than we can imagine and this is just the beginning… VAMOS!

Above and Below: Momentom Collective was asked to provide yoga classes, acro yoga workshops as well as some aerial performance pieces for UL's party at Magnific Rock. Gabrielle Buenaciudad and I also gave a talk on 'Bridging Art and Entrepreneurship' with our New Age Circus.

Momentom Collective performs an aerial routine for the Unconventional Life conference at MagRock

Speaking of flying upside down... Momentom Collective has 5 spots left in our Aerial Retreat with world renowned performers Womack and Bowman this April at the Yoga Forest in Guatemala! Check out our retreats page for more info and watch #TheAerialRetreat promo video below:

If this last week is any indication of what's to's going to be BIG year ahead! Soak up your day and sink into whatever leadership role you can create to make someone smile today :)

Tu amigo, -John

Unconventional Life Familia photo by Brooke & Wilhelm

PS If you're still looking for an Xmas present for a travel friend, creative nomad or open-minded soul, I'm shipping copies of my book at pre-sale prices and 2 for $40! Check it out HERE. This self-published author greatly thanks you for the support! *And thank you to Mountain Man Cole, for sending me this epic photo of him reading my book at the top of the Terminator 2 Hike near Golden, BC!

Tales of the Modern Nomad book cover on top of Terminator 2 hike, Golden BC, Canada (Photo by Mountain Man Cole)


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